YouTube and Rubberbands

June 28, 2014 - 13 Responses

I have a YouTube Channel.

Time flies while looming rubber bands together into bracelets. Also while learning how to make videos and uploading to YouTube using a slow dsl internet connection. I have been slow to change to the new cable internet and still don’t have a smart phone. I have been procrastinating, worried about the cost.  Now may be the time to update.  My family is very eager for me to do so.

Here are a few of the bracelets that I have been working on. I see so many more possibilities. It takes quite a few tries to get things to work out. I love the process of discovery that these little bands offer.

Here are photos of the Ruffle Bracelets. Two with flowers in-between the ruffles.




These bracelets feature more daisy type charms.



This bracelet has little bees. The rubber bands loop to form tiny eyes and a mouth on the head.


The bands can form Lily of the Valley type charms too.



And Bluebells.


This is a WaterLily inspired bracelet. I still need to do a video on this one.


When my son gave me the loom I had no idea of all the possibilities. It is really fun. I am learning so much. That is the best part of crafting. Trying out new techniques.

Playing with the Rainbow Loom

May 12, 2014 - 12 Responses


I am intrigued by the Rainbow Loom, so I have been playing around a bit. I am trying to think of some adult type things to make, but have been making bracelets since they are small. The elastic nature and decorative possibilities are endless. Anyway, I have been having fun.

In knitting there are purl stitches. With rubber band fishtail looping they are a bit trickier to accomplish. There is a band between the stitch being worked and the new band being added. I found a way around it. My son thinks the stitch is too difficult for most kids. He told me the kids see the more elaborated designs and get discouraged when they can’t do it. They often don’t want to put in the time it takes to improve their skills. He thinks that is the main reason the fad for the bracelets is ending. That, and adults like me are now playing around a bit. Here are a few things I have come up with.

A rose bud bracelet made with a 5 pin fishtail flowers and looped in the triangle bracelet pattern.


A cherry blossom bracelet made with a 5 pin fishtail flowers, including purl stitch loops, and looped in the triangle bracelet pattern.


A forget-me-not bracelet made like the bracelet above. This is the one I thought of first, since the flower is perfect for friendship bracelets. I wanted to use a lighter blue, but it is too close in tone to all the greens I have and wouldn’t have stood out. I compromised by using a darker blue, and very light green. I think it works OK.


This is a daisy chain design. The band is a simple chain, the flowers are formed over 6 pins.


Since every design looks great using clear and rainbow jelly bands, the flowers became stars.


And finally a gun drop bracelet. This is a happy accident. My son thought the bead like texture reminded him of gum drops.


I have two Bruges doilies in progress. They are going to require a great deal of thought to finish. These bracelets have been a nice diversion. I think the craft could be used in some decorative home accessory way. I have lots and lots of rubber bands when I think of something.

Crochet Lace Edging for Easter

April 8, 2014 - One Response


This edging has several symbols related to Easter. It has baskets with bobble eggs on the front and palm frond leaves. According to the symbolism used on Ukrainian Pysanky the nets represent Jesus. They can also represent his disciples. The ladders represent prayers reaching Heaven, and dots (picots here) represent Mary’s tears at the crucifixion. I may be seeing symbolism that the designer didn’t intend. Still, it is fun to think it matches the Pysanky I like to decorate at this time of year.

It isn’t an easy pattern crochet. I would like to do it again and make some subtle changes. There are so many pretty patterns tempting me that it will be a while before I try this again. I made two pieces each 24″ long. I am going to use them on the ends of a piece of linen for a table runner, or a pair of towels. I have some natural linen, but maybe a pastel color would be better.

Here are a couple of other photos.



The pattern is in the magazine, Burda Special E841 Crochet Lace.  It was published in 2005, so would have to be obtained by a reseller like ebay.

Red Doily

April 5, 2014 - 7 Responses


A red doily to go with a few Pysanky. It also goes with a little teapot Rick gave me for Valentine’s Day this year.


Here is an overall photo.


I saw a doily similar to this one for sale on Etsy a year or so ago. Playing on Pinterest one day (a terrible time suck habit) there was a link to a similar pattern. I really wanted to see how the lattice stitches were done, so I gave it a try. The pattern has too many stitches in some areas and too few stitches in others to let this doily lie flat. It might not be the real pattern only the poster’s interpretation. Anyway I was able to get it to work, not perfectly, but usable. It is a nice size at about 16″ in diameter.

Basket Lace Edging Sample

February 25, 2014 - 4 Responses


It has taken me all week, and all my attention to get this little sample made. I am hoping that crocheting a length of trim goes quicker. It is a tricky pattern because the various elements are crocheted in both directions. To make the elements match has been a trial, and mostly error, process. I think this edging will make a lovely trim for Easter decorating. I am thinking of using it as a runner or towel edging. Both would be about the same length.

I still haven’t gotten around to emailing and thanking everyone who commented on my last blog post. I will do that soon.